Your application for the position

Praktikum Bankkaufmann (m/w/d)

Work locations

What work locations would you like to apply for?
Stade Stade Pferdemarkt 1a DE-21682
Buxtehude Buxtehude Bahnhofstraße 44 DE-21614
Jork Jork Westerjork 26 DE-21635
Steinkirchen Steinkirchen Bürgerei 5 DE-21720
Himmelpforten Himmelpforten Poststraße 33 DE-21709
Hemmoor Hemmoor Zentrumstraße 8 DE-21745
Otterndorf Otterndorf Wallstraße 1 DE-21762
Cuxhaven Cuxhaven Poststraße 6 DE-27474
Show other work locations

Personal data

Address and contact information


Your earliest possible start date

School education

How did you find this job?


Upload your application documents here, e.g. cover letter, CV, certificates, etc.
The following documents are required:
  • Lebenslauf
  • Anschreiben
  • Schulabschlusszeugnis
  • Weitere Dokumente
The maximum permitted file size per document is 25 MB.

Further information

Please take a moment to read our Data protection before submitting.